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Smarthone Projects

Smartphone Repair services

I can offer to fix smartphones. And below, I have uploaded some projects. Feel free to look at it. And contact me if there is anything which I can help you with..

Krzysztof Oko

Another Amazing day, behind. I fixed the device today, the Samsung S22 Ultra. I replaced the screen with a new OEM one from Samsung, and

Krzysztof Oko

Samsung S21 – Screen Replacement

Krzysztof Oko

iPhone 12, screen and back cover replacement, everything works as should.

Krzysztof Oko

Samsung J5 2017 – USB port replacement, and another successful repair.

Krzysztof Oko

Iphone 7s screen replacement. Working as new!.

Krzysztof Oko

Sony Xperia XZ Premium screen replacement. The repair was finished succesfully.

Krzysztof Oko

iPhone 8, Battery and USB port replacement, everything works great, as always, and the repair finished successfully.

Krzysztof Oko

Samsung, Smartphone – USB port replacement.

Krzysztof Oko

Samsung J7 Prime, Power button repair after flooding, and screen replacement. Repair finished succesfully.

Krzysztof Oko

Iphone 6s, Screen Replaced after another IT service.

Krzysztof Oko

Samsung S7 IC chipset replacement finished successfully.

Krzysztof Oko

Screens replacement in Sony smartphones, Z5 Premium and Xperia Z3.

Krzysztof Oko

Samsung s7 Edge – screen replacement, finished successfully.

Krzysztof Oko

Huawei ear speaker replacement, finished sucesfully.

Krzysztof Oko

Samsung s7 Edge – Camera lens glass replacement, replaced succesfully.

Krzysztof Oko

Iphone 7s Plus, screen replacement.

Krzysztof Oko

Properly replacement of the screen in the Huawei, is flashing like new, another success 🙂

Krzysztof Oko

Vodafone Smart Prime 6 – Screen Replacement.

Krzysztof Oko

Samsung S8, Screen replacement.

Krzysztof Oko

Sony D6503 Screen replacement, work finished successfully.

Krzysztof Oko

Iphone 6s – Battery Replacement, finished successfully.

My Other Services

Repair of Consoles such as; XBOX and PlayStation. Repair of desktops and laptops, TVs and much more. Contact me for more details.

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