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Smart Home – is it worth investing in such a solution?

Smart Home – is it worth investing in such a solution? Smart homes are a big technological leap that allows you to automate many everyday activities. Importantly, even with a small budget, you can make gradual changes that will allow you to enjoy an intelligent system. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at the specifics of Smart Home. What is a Smart Home? Smart Home is a term derived from English that means an intelligent house. It refers to buildings or apartments equipped with modern technologies and systems that increase comfort and safety and allow you to generate savings for the budget. Smart homes are based on devices that communicate with each other and are connected to one network. Control is carried out using an application installed on a mobile device, and the principle of operation is extremely simple. What is included in a smart home? A smart home is a few or a dozen different products divided into a central unit, control, and functional components. Basic Smart Home devices include: smart sensors; alarm systems; surveillance cameras; lighting control; smart heating; smart sockets; management of RTV and household appliances; control systems, i.e. panels, remote controls, controllers or buttons; a central unit that integrates all the elements. These systems are interconnected, which means that household members can control them using a mobile device. It is thanks to the application that it is possible to change the operating mode of individual components, e.g. to regulate the temperature. What technologies are used? The technology used in smart home systems is the Internet of Things, a digital network that integrates the components used, communicating with each other via an internet connection or another communication standard, such as Z-Wave or ZigBee. This concept assumes that a given device can control another to perform a task that has been assigned by the user. A Smart Home is the connection of individual components with a central unit that is integrated with a mobile application. What are the advantages of a Smart Home? Convenience of use – the implemented solutions allow you to adjust the optimal conditions in the rooms, e.g. by setting the appropriate temperature or closing the blinds; Increased functionality of the rooms – the installed controllers allow you to perform many activities automatically; Mobility – using the application, you can control all devices both when you are present and absent from the house or apartment; Ease of use – a clear and simple interface allows you to quickly learn the Smart Home system; Security – installing monitoring cameras or alarm systems significantly increases the level of building protection and effectively deters potential burglars; Savings – optimal setting of individual parameters translates into reduced bills, e.g. for heating; Full control over the building – the home automation system allows you to control devices online and check exactly what is happening in the house or apartment 24 hours a day. What kind of people is a Smart Home suitable for? A smart home is a great solution for people who value comfort and convenience. The ability to control the temperature or exit while the household is working, which means that they are delivered in a standard lifestyle. This is an ideal concept for those who continue in a constant rush. Many exits, e.g. turning on the washing machine or dishwasher, are possible thanks to the mobile application. Smart Home is also a proven system for forgetful people who like to have control over everything. Smart homes are also an excellent investment in security. The ability to control lighting or heating will translate into real savings. Smart Home is a choice for everyone because it can be created, an original way of configuration. This is important, the use of technology has proven itself in both new and already available functions. Is implementing Smart Home technology profitable? Installing smart systems involves a larger investment than traditional solutions. However, considering the growing interest in modern technology and the implementation of new applications, it allows us to determine that investing in a smart home is profitable. Of great importance here are, above all, the comfort, safety and increased functionality of the building. It is therefore worth considering the implementation of intelligent Smart Home systems. Smart homes are solutions that are becoming increasingly popular. The number of positive changes that modern systems provide allows for increasing the comfort of everyday life.     

Hardware Tips

Motherboard Failure – How to Check if It’s Damaged?

Motherboard Failure – How to Check if It’s Damaged? Computers are devices that accompany us practically at every step. We use them for work, study, and entertainment, and in many industries they are practically indispensable. These devices are designed to provide high efficiency, versatility, and low failure rate. Unfortunately, since computers are also very complex devices, composed of many delicate components, it happens that they are subject to more or less serious failures. One of the most important elements of modern computers is of course the motherboard, the failure of which can effectively prevent the use of the computer. However, what exactly is the motherboard, its purpose, what are the risks of motherboard failure, what are the symptoms, how to check if the source of computer problems is the motherboard, and what to do when this element is damaged?   What is a motherboard? The motherboard is the most important element of any computer because it is a kind of skeleton that connects all the other components into one whole. It takes the form of a large printed circuit board, on which there are paths and various types of elements permanently built into its structure, such as the BIOS chipset, sockets, connectors, etc. The paths are placed on several layers of the printed circuit board, and their role is to provide power and communication with all the components mounted or connected to the motherboard. The role of the motherboard in the smooth operation of the computer The motherboard is an element whose main task is to connect all the other components of the computer into one whole, mediate communication between them, and often also provide them with power. It is therefore the foundation for building a computer, without which its creation would not be possible. In addition, the motherboard also has a BIOS chip, which stores all kinds of procedures, settings, and instructions for loading the basic computer hardware. The BIOS controls the computer’s operation in the first moments after it is turned on and is also responsible for starting the operating system, which then takes over this role. Effects of motherboard failure A motherboard failure is a very serious situation that can often effectively prevent any use of the computer. This is because it is undoubtedly the most important element of the computer, which connects all its other parts and ensures communication between them. For this reason, the result of a motherboard failure can really be a lot of different problems, depending on what part of the motherboard has failed and how it happened. Sometimes it can mean problems with the operation of the system or one specific component, and in another situation it can even result in a complete lack of response from the device. Motherboard Failure Symptoms The symptoms that may indicate a motherboard failure are very diverse and there are really a lot of them. The most common symptoms indicating motherboard problems include: brak reakcji komputera na wciśnięcie przycisku zasilania, komputer się włącza, ale ekran pozostaje czarny, mogą wystąpić charakterystyczne sygnały dźwiękowe, które świadczą o określonym problemie z płytą główną lub podzespołami, BLUE SCREEN, czyli niebieski ekran informujący o poważnych problemach z komputerem, samoistne wyłączanie, zawieszanie lub restartowanie się komputera bez powodu, lub podczas obciążenia, niedziałające porty i złącza na płycie głównej, problemy z dźwiękiem, łącznością WiFi lub przewodową. Of course, these types of symptoms will not clearly indicate a motherboard failure, but it is one of the possible causes. How to check if the motherboard has failed? To check if the motherboard has failed, the best solution is to use the services of a professional computer service, where the device will be subjected to diagnostics in order to detect the source of the problems. This allows not only to accurately indicate the cause of the failure, but also to quickly and effectively remedy it. It is therefore worth deciding to use the help of professionals in such a situation. What to do with a damaged motherboard? What to do with a damaged motherboard depends largely on how badly it was damaged and what area the failure affects. It is usually possible to repair such a motherboard, which is done by professional computer services. However, if the damage is very extensive and affects the most important elements of the motherboard, repair may be unprofitable or even impossible, which will mean that the motherboard must be replaced.    

Windows 11
Windows Tips

How to create a local account when installing Windows 11?

How to create a local account when installing Windows 11? Windows 10 available to consumers did not require you to set up a Microsoft account at the system installation stage. You also did not have to connect to the Internet, although over time users began to be forced to do so (all you had to do was not connect to the network). Windows 11 initially allowed this as well, but quite soon after its premiere it ceased to be possible. Microsoft forces Windows 11 users to take both of the above-mentioned steps. How to skip them? There are trivial ways to do this, although there are some that worked before but no longer work on the latest (or all?) versions of the operating system. However, there is a simple method that will work on any of them and will allow you to set up a local account without connecting to the Internet. After all, we can lose access to the network at the least expected moment (including during system installation). Find out how to bypass the Microsoft blockade and go through the Windows 11 installation wizard quickly and efficiently without the Internet or an online account. Importantly, all the methods described below also work on the system preinstalled on desktops and laptops. Go through the beginning of the Windows 11 installation process until you reach the country selection. Press the Shift + F10 in some laptops Shift  + FN + F10 key combination, which will open the command prompt window. Some laptops such as Lenovo or Asus may be turned off the Shift button, so you may need to use an external keyboard. In the command prompt, type the command: and press Enter. This will block the requirement to connect to the Internet. Wait for the computer to restart and continue in the installation wizard. In the Internet connection window, the option: I am not connected to the Internet will appear next to the Next button. Click it. In the newly displayed window, select Continue with limited configuration. Enter the username of your choice for the local account and continue. Set a password for the local account and continue. Complete the installation process without having to connect to the Internet and log in to your Microsoft account! How to bypass internet connection when installing Windows 11? In older versions of the Windows 11 operating system, there is another way that may work. Follow these steps: Press Shift + F10 in some laptops Shift  + FN + F10 to open the command prompt in the Microsoft account configuration window. Type the ipconfig/release command and confirm it with Enter. Quickly click on the arrow in the upper left corner to return to the previous window of the installation wizard. A window with the option to create a local account will appear. Type the local username and set a password for it. Complete the installation process. However, it is possible that this method does not work on every version of the system (e.g. the latest ones). Know that it is also not necessary to enter the ipconfig/release command after the  command in the first of the methods I provided to turn off the internet, as some guides say. How to create a local account when installing Windows 11? What if the internet is on, but you don’t want to set up a Microsoft account right away when installing the Windows 11 operating system? There is (or rather was) an easy way to do that: In the Microsoft account login window, enter any email address, as long as it’s structured correctly. It can even be and proceed. The wizard will ask you to enter a password. Enter anything, e.g. axyz and press Log in. You will be informed of an error and an incorrect password for the specified account. Undaunted, press the Next button. Voila: a window with the option to set up a local account should appear. Set a username for the local account, enter a password and complete the system installation process. However, as with the second method, the method described may no longer work on all versions of Windows 11. From my personal experience, after the error message, the window with the option to set up a local account in Windows 11 may not appear. In other words, the wizard does not want to proceed without logging in to the online account. However, you can try using it when you install, for example, an older system build. If it doesn’t work, simply return to the first method, which at the time of writing is the easiest and proven way to skip the process of creating a Microsoft account and connecting to the Internet during the installation of the discussed operating system. Bypassing this requirement not only allows you to install Windows 11 without the Internet, but also you decide when you want to log in to your account.

Bios Update
Software Tips

BIOS Update – How to Do It Correctly?

BIOS Update – How to Do It Correctly? There are situations in which it is necessary to update the BIOS. There may be several reasons, such as problems with the correct operation of the computer or the purchase of a new graphics card. The process itself is not complicated, but it requires precision. Importantly, updating the BIOS is not routine, as is the case with updating the Windows system. It is therefore worth knowing how to properly update the BIOS. What is BIOS? BIOS is an abbreviation for Basic Input/Output System, or simply put, it is a basic input/output system. This software is built into the motherboard and is the first to start after pressing the power button on the device. The BIOS is equipped with its own memory, where all information about the hardware is collected. It is also responsible for verifying the device. Before starting the system, the BIOS checks and identifies all hardware elements, such as the processor, graphics card, RAM or hard drive. Check: Motherboard failure – how to check if it is damaged?   Why is it important to update the BIOS? It is worth noting that updating the BIOS is not always necessary, especially when the computer is working properly and none of the components have been replaced. However, there are situations when an update should be performed. This is the case when the manufacturer has released a new version, the purpose of which is to fix errors, improve the performance of the computer, or new functions have been introduced. Another example is when an update is required to run new equipment or other devices. Additionally, a BIOS update is also required for the correct functioning of the operating system, e.g. so-called blue screens appear, which inform about the occurrence of a failure. How does BIOS affect the operation of the entire computer? How does the BIOS affect the operation of the entire computer? Updating the BIOS will increase compatibility and allow you to use new hardware, such as memory or processor. It will also improve stability. This is especially recommended if there are system failures due to the motherboard. Updating the BIOS also provides optional features of new hardware and removes detected security holes. See also: BIOS damage in the computer – what to do?   How to properly perform a BIOS update? Updating the BIOS yourself may seem like a complicated procedure. However, it is a simple task that should be performed in the following order: Step 1 – Download BIOS Update First, check the BIOS version. The easiest way to do this is to run the CPU-Z application and go to the Motherboard tab. Here you can check the motherboard model and the current BIOS version. Then, download the latest updates from the motherboard manufacturer’s website and place it on a portable medium, e.g. a pendrive (it should be previously formatted). Step 2 – Entering BIOS Next, insert the media into the USB port and restart the computer. During the operating system startup, enter the BIOS using the key (usually DEL, F2 or F8). In the menu, find the update options. Importantly, the BIOS is most often available in English, so look for the phrase: BIOS Update. Step 3 – Installation Once you find the update option from the file, you need to confirm it. The update process usually takes a few minutes. Once the installation is complete, you need to turn your computer off and on again and check if the whole process went well. What should you pay special attention to when updating the BIOS? Before updating the BIOS, you should make a backup copy of your files and look for recovery options for your computer and motherboard in the event of a BIOS failure. When updating, pay special attention to the correctness of the downloaded files and the necessary functions in the BIOS. An incorrectly performed installation may result in problems with starting the computer. Additionally, it is worth making sure what the current BIOS version is, as the update may not be necessary. BIOS update methods vary, which is why it is important to strictly follow the motherboard manufacturer’s guidelines. The last important point is that BIOS updates should not be performed if the computer is working efficiently and correctly. The reason for updating is to expand compatibility or fix errors in the device. When deciding to update the BIOS yourself, carefully check the key guidelines and follow the instructions. Each step must be performed correctly for the entire process to be successful.

Hardware Tips

BIOS Damage in Computer – What to Do

BIOS Damage in Computer – What to Do The BIOS, or Basic Input Output System, is one of the first and most important programs used by modern computers and laptops. Its tasks include managing all the basic devices of the computer, including controlling the motherboard before the operating system even starts. BIOS failures and damage can lead to many problems with the device – the system will not be able to start if the BIOS is not working properly. What to do in such a situation? Possible symptoms of BIOS corruption on your computer Regardless of whether you use a laptop or a desktop computer, the BIOS is essential for the device to work properly. Any damage or failures will make it difficult to start the computer, displaying errors before the operating system even starts. BIOS error messages may vary depending on the hardware, but they are most often visible in the form of: no image is displayed (despite the sound of the computer starting up), the equipment not turning on at all, stopping the start-up at the startup credits stage, displaying a black background with a BIOS error, audio and visual signals while the computer is starting up and then the equipment is turning off again. BIOS manages access to computer resources and although it does not play such an important role after the operating system has started, it is crucial at the hardware startup level. Recorded on Flash memory chips, it is read only when its operation is necessary for the computer to work. Some BIOS damage can be reversed and repaired by starting the computer appropriately, but in difficult cases it happens that it is necessary to completely unsolder the memory chip with the BIOS and reprogram it. Repairing the BIOS on a laptop or computer The most common causes of BIOS failure are a failed system update, a self-damage to the system or damage by the user, most often found in devices whose users like to tinker with system and hardware settings on their own. Depending on these causes and the effects of BIOS damage, its repair may require a more or less complicated intervention, which not every user will be able to perform on their own. The easiest ones, requiring only the use of the Crisis Bios Recovery procedure, can most often be performed based on instructions available on the Internet. It is not easy, but if the laptop starts and stops on the BIOS error message or when starting the system, there is a chance to restore the hardware. Otherwise, BIOS programming may be necessary. As part of the BIOS programming service after a failure, the FLASH memory chip with the installed BIOS is removed from the laptop and placed in the programmer in order to install a new, working BIOS appropriate for the given computer or laptop model. After reprogramming the BIOS, it happens that not all computer functions work properly, most often due to the resetting of serial numbers and regional codes saved in the system. In such a case, it is necessary to perform additional installation using the manufacturer’s tools in order to restore the computer to the operation expected by the user. Opcja programowania układów BIOS pozwalająca na przywrócenie sprawności uszkodzonego sprzętu komputerowego wymaga specjalistycznej wiedzy, umiejętności oraz dostępu do pewnych narzędzi. Z tego też względu zawsze warto pozostawić ją w rękach specjalistów. Nasi serwisanci wśród napraw komputerów zajmują się także programowaniem układów BIOS tam, gdzie nie skutkuje przeprowadzenie Crisis Bios Recovery lub gdy komputer nie uruchamia się w ogóle.     BIOS Damage in Computer – What to Do The BIOS, or Basic Input Output System, is one of the first and most important programs used by modern computers and laptops. Its tasks include managing all the basic devices of the computer, including controlling the motherboard before the operating system even starts. BIOS failures and damage can lead to many problems with the device – the system will not be able to start if the BIOS is not working properly. What to do in such a situation? Possible symptoms of BIOS corruption on your computer Regardless of whether you use a laptop or a desktop computer, the BIOS is essential for the device to work properly. Any damage or failures will make it difficult to start the computer, displaying errors before the operating system even starts. BIOS error messages may vary depending on the hardware, but they are most often visible in the form of: no image is displayed (despite the sound of the computer starting up), the equipment not turning on at all, stopping the start-up at the startup credits stage, displaying a black background with a BIOS error, audio and visual signals while the computer is starting up and then the equipment is turning off again. BIOS manages access to computer resources and although it does not play such an important role after the operating system has started, it is crucial at the hardware startup level. Recorded on Flash memory chips, it is read only when its operation is necessary for the computer to work. Some BIOS damage can be reversed and repaired by starting the computer appropriately, but in difficult cases it happens that it is necessary to completely unsolder the memory chip with the BIOS and reprogram it. Repairing the BIOS on a laptop or computer The most common causes of BIOS failure are a failed system update, a self-damage to the system or damage by the user, most often found in devices whose users like to tinker with system and hardware settings on their own. Depending on these causes and the effects of BIOS damage, its repair may require a more or less complicated intervention, which not every user will be able to perform on their own. The easiest ones, requiring only the use of the Crisis Bios Recovery procedure, can most often be performed based on instructions available on the Internet. It is not easy, but if the laptop starts and stops on

Software Tips

Cyber Security – how to use the network safely?

How to use the network safely? Despite the fact that slogans about safe use of the Internet are as worn out as jeans on the knees, it is still worth remembering to use the Internet wisely. Below we remind you of important rules for securing personal data from uncontrolled use, and we also briefly explain what are currently the most popular types of cyberattacks. Don’t be fooled and take care of cybersecurity today!   The most common types of cyberattacks   Phishing This is a method that involves impersonating a well-known and trusted website, sending the victim emails or text messages encouraging them to open links contained within them. After doing so, the link redirects you to a page that requires you to provide data such as a credit card number or online banking login details. To avoid this, pay attention to the URL of the page, and also watch out for any redirects and pop-ups related to logging in. Scam Here, in turn, gaining the victim’s trust is more important than technical solutions. You could say that this is the online version of the “grandchild” theft, except that it takes a bit more time. The cyber fraudster gains trust, is nice, and after a while disappears with the victim’s savings. Similar techniques are used by fraudsters who prepare an announcement about a fundraiser for the needy, and even by some not-so-dishonest influencers. Ransomware This type of attack can be described as a “virtual kidnapping”, which targets valuable files for the user. Access to them is blocked using special encryption techniques, and their unblocking is possible only after paying a ransom. Companies are usually vulnerable to this type of attack, as hackers carefully select their victims, counting on a large and quick profit.   How to navigate the web safely?   Create a good password If you’ve ever been shocked by the sight of configuration passwords consisting of an infinitely long sequence of letters and numbers that are impossible to remember, know that such passwords are a good way to protect yourself. In short, if you create your own password, forget about your name, your loved ones, dates of birth and other too obvious solutions. Try to come up with a password that is long and not associated with you and your preferences. However, try to remember it, because otherwise you will be the one playing the hacker on your own account. Don’t forget about antivirus To be able to say that your system does not need an antivirus to be safe, you must have a certain level of proven knowledge in the field of computer science. Otherwise, you will not be able to defend yourself against all kinds of viruses, worms and other types of “attractions” that the lack of appropriate software can give you. When choosing an antivirus, pay attention to the most important functions, such as protection of sensitive data on the network or the ability to remotely find a lost device. Use the Internet wisely This sentence clearly flies between users’ ears at the speed of light, leaving no echo behind. Why? Because we usually do not wonder what exactly is hidden behind this phrase. We do not read the regulations of online stores and do not wonder whether a new Internet lover is not lying about his unexpected expenses. Another common problem is sharing too much information about oneself on social media, which helps fraudsters to better “fish out” a wealthy victim.   Only use a trusted network It is understandable that you cannot always use the Internet using a secured network in the privacy of your home. However, if you are in a public place, try not to use the Wi-Fi networks generally available at train stations or in hotels, because they are much less protected against potential attacks by cybercriminals. Under no circumstances should you log in to your email, make transfers or perform other activities that expose your data to theft. Otherwise, you may soon find out that you have a loan, your own business and debts for a vacation in the Bahamas. Safe browsing on the Internet is absolutely possible, but it requires some commitment in the form of choosing security software, installing appropriate updates, and carefully selecting websites on which we look for necessary information. Has your data been attacked? Viruses make it difficult for you to use your computer? Visit PRO.COMP Services We will help you secure and remove all viruses from your computer!

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Hardware Tips

Motherboard Failure – How to Check if It’s Damaged?

Motherboard Failure – How to Check if It’s Damaged? Computers are devices that accompany us practically at every step. We use them for work, study, and entertainment, and in many industries they are practically indispensable. These devices are designed to provide high efficiency, versatility, and low failure rate. Unfortunately, since computers are also very complex devices, composed of many delicate components, it happens that they are subject to more or less serious failures. One of the most important elements of modern computers is of course the motherboard, the failure of which can effectively prevent the use of the computer. However, what exactly is the motherboard, its purpose, what are the risks of motherboard failure, what are the symptoms, how to check if the source of computer problems is the motherboard, and what to do when this element is damaged?   What is a motherboard? The motherboard is the most important element of any computer because it is a kind of skeleton that connects all the other components into one whole. It takes the form of a large printed circuit board, on which there are paths and various types of elements permanently built into its structure, such as the BIOS chipset, sockets, connectors, etc. The paths are placed on several layers of the printed circuit board, and their role is to provide power and communication with all the components mounted or connected to the motherboard. The role of the motherboard in the smooth operation of the computer The motherboard is an element whose main task is to connect all the other components of the computer into one whole, mediate communication between them, and often also provide them with power. It is therefore the foundation for building a computer, without which its creation would not be possible. In addition, the motherboard also has a BIOS chip, which stores all kinds of procedures, settings, and instructions for loading the basic computer hardware. The BIOS controls the computer’s operation in the first moments after it is turned on and is also responsible for starting the operating system, which then takes over this role. Effects of motherboard failure A motherboard failure is a very serious situation that can often effectively prevent any use of the computer. This is because it is undoubtedly the most important element of the computer, which connects all its other parts and ensures communication between them. For this reason, the result of a motherboard failure can really be a lot of different problems, depending on what part of the motherboard has failed and how it happened. Sometimes it can mean problems with the operation of the system or one specific component, and in another situation it can even result in a complete lack of response from the device. Motherboard Failure Symptoms The symptoms that may indicate a motherboard failure are very diverse and there are really a lot of them. The most common symptoms indicating motherboard problems include: brak reakcji komputera na wciśnięcie przycisku zasilania, komputer się włącza, ale ekran pozostaje czarny, mogą wystąpić charakterystyczne sygnały dźwiękowe, które świadczą o określonym problemie z płytą główną lub podzespołami, BLUE SCREEN, czyli niebieski ekran informujący o poważnych problemach z komputerem, samoistne wyłączanie, zawieszanie lub restartowanie się komputera bez powodu, lub podczas obciążenia, niedziałające porty i złącza na płycie głównej, problemy z dźwiękiem, łącznością WiFi lub przewodową. Of course, these types of symptoms will not clearly indicate a motherboard failure, but it is one of the possible causes. How to check if the motherboard has failed? To check if the motherboard has failed, the best solution is to use the services of a professional computer service, where the device will be subjected to diagnostics in order to detect the source of the problems. This allows not only to accurately indicate the cause of the failure, but also to quickly and effectively remedy it. It is therefore worth deciding to use the help of professionals in such a situation. What to do with a damaged motherboard? What to do with a damaged motherboard depends largely on how badly it was damaged and what area the failure affects. It is usually possible to repair such a motherboard, which is done by professional computer services. However, if the damage is very extensive and affects the most important elements of the motherboard, repair may be unprofitable or even impossible, which will mean that the motherboard must be replaced.    

Hardware Tips

BIOS Damage in Computer – What to Do

BIOS Damage in Computer – What to Do The BIOS, or Basic Input Output System, is one of the first and most important programs used by modern computers and laptops. Its tasks include managing all the basic devices of the computer, including controlling the motherboard before the operating system even starts. BIOS failures and damage can lead to many problems with the device – the system will not be able to start if the BIOS is not working properly. What to do in such a situation? Possible symptoms of BIOS corruption on your computer Regardless of whether you use a laptop or a desktop computer, the BIOS is essential for the device to work properly. Any damage or failures will make it difficult to start the computer, displaying errors before the operating system even starts. BIOS error messages may vary depending on the hardware, but they are most often visible in the form of: no image is displayed (despite the sound of the computer starting up), the equipment not turning on at all, stopping the start-up at the startup credits stage, displaying a black background with a BIOS error, audio and visual signals while the computer is starting up and then the equipment is turning off again. BIOS manages access to computer resources and although it does not play such an important role after the operating system has started, it is crucial at the hardware startup level. Recorded on Flash memory chips, it is read only when its operation is necessary for the computer to work. Some BIOS damage can be reversed and repaired by starting the computer appropriately, but in difficult cases it happens that it is necessary to completely unsolder the memory chip with the BIOS and reprogram it. Repairing the BIOS on a laptop or computer The most common causes of BIOS failure are a failed system update, a self-damage to the system or damage by the user, most often found in devices whose users like to tinker with system and hardware settings on their own. Depending on these causes and the effects of BIOS damage, its repair may require a more or less complicated intervention, which not every user will be able to perform on their own. The easiest ones, requiring only the use of the Crisis Bios Recovery procedure, can most often be performed based on instructions available on the Internet. It is not easy, but if the laptop starts and stops on the BIOS error message or when starting the system, there is a chance to restore the hardware. Otherwise, BIOS programming may be necessary. As part of the BIOS programming service after a failure, the FLASH memory chip with the installed BIOS is removed from the laptop and placed in the programmer in order to install a new, working BIOS appropriate for the given computer or laptop model. After reprogramming the BIOS, it happens that not all computer functions work properly, most often due to the resetting of serial numbers and regional codes saved in the system. In such a case, it is necessary to perform additional installation using the manufacturer’s tools in order to restore the computer to the operation expected by the user. Opcja programowania układów BIOS pozwalająca na przywrócenie sprawności uszkodzonego sprzętu komputerowego wymaga specjalistycznej wiedzy, umiejętności oraz dostępu do pewnych narzędzi. Z tego też względu zawsze warto pozostawić ją w rękach specjalistów. Nasi serwisanci wśród napraw komputerów zajmują się także programowaniem układów BIOS tam, gdzie nie skutkuje przeprowadzenie Crisis Bios Recovery lub gdy komputer nie uruchamia się w ogóle.     BIOS Damage in Computer – What to Do The BIOS, or Basic Input Output System, is one of the first and most important programs used by modern computers and laptops. Its tasks include managing all the basic devices of the computer, including controlling the motherboard before the operating system even starts. BIOS failures and damage can lead to many problems with the device – the system will not be able to start if the BIOS is not working properly. What to do in such a situation? Possible symptoms of BIOS corruption on your computer Regardless of whether you use a laptop or a desktop computer, the BIOS is essential for the device to work properly. Any damage or failures will make it difficult to start the computer, displaying errors before the operating system even starts. BIOS error messages may vary depending on the hardware, but they are most often visible in the form of: no image is displayed (despite the sound of the computer starting up), the equipment not turning on at all, stopping the start-up at the startup credits stage, displaying a black background with a BIOS error, audio and visual signals while the computer is starting up and then the equipment is turning off again. BIOS manages access to computer resources and although it does not play such an important role after the operating system has started, it is crucial at the hardware startup level. Recorded on Flash memory chips, it is read only when its operation is necessary for the computer to work. Some BIOS damage can be reversed and repaired by starting the computer appropriately, but in difficult cases it happens that it is necessary to completely unsolder the memory chip with the BIOS and reprogram it. Repairing the BIOS on a laptop or computer The most common causes of BIOS failure are a failed system update, a self-damage to the system or damage by the user, most often found in devices whose users like to tinker with system and hardware settings on their own. Depending on these causes and the effects of BIOS damage, its repair may require a more or less complicated intervention, which not every user will be able to perform on their own. The easiest ones, requiring only the use of the Crisis Bios Recovery procedure, can most often be performed based on instructions available on the Internet. It is not easy, but if the laptop starts and stops on

Hardware Tips

How to troubleshoot common BIOS problems?

How to troubleshoot common BIOS problems? The computer will function properly when all components work together in harmony. One of the key elements is the BIOS. Many people do not use it on a daily basis, but it is through it that you can perform repairs on the computer’s software or check the condition of some of its parts. It is also worth knowing what the most common BIOS problems are and what to do if they occur. What is BIOS? Basic Input/Output System in short BIOS is the basic input and output system. It is a kind of system/set of procedures on the motherboard in FLASH memory chips. It is responsible for basic functions in the computer. It is the first program that is launched immediately after starting. BIOS is equipped with its own memory, supported by a CMOS battery. It mediates communication between the software (system) and individual hardware that is part of the unit. BIOS is responsible for managing and checking the basic elements of the computer. Additionally, it controls input/output devices, as well as the flow of data between components, such as hard drives, processor or RAM. BIOS can also control some voltages or boot options. The system allows you to change the settings of individual devices, which are not possible from the operating system level. What are the most common BIOS problems and how do I diagnose them? The most common BIOS problems include: failure of the BIOS program storage chip; BIOS memory corruption; failed update; viruses; spontaneous corruption; user corruption; faulty or inappropriate BIOS entry. The above problems are most often manifested by a lack of response after turning on the computer or after starting it, you can hear the sound of the device working, but there is no image. It also often happens that the signal diodes start flashing or sound signals appear. Sometimes there is also a situation in which the computer starts up stops at the manufacturer’s logo. Any kind of damage or unsuccessful updates result from the user’s lack of knowledge and attempts to make changes to the system or hardware settings on their own. Repairing a damaged BIOS is definitely profitable. Usually, the cost of the service is much lower than the value of the equipment. Importantly, a more or less complicated repair is related to a specific cause and damage. How can I repair the BIOS? It should be noted at the outset that not every user will be able to repair the BIOS on their own, as this requires some knowledge and experience. The simplest actions require the use of the Crisis Bios Recovery procedure, which can be performed using instructions available on the Internet. However, in most cases, it is necessary to use a more complicated procedure. When starting the repair, it will be necessary to remove the motherboard so as not to damage the components during further work. The next step is to desolder the BIOS chip in order to read its contents. This is where a special programmer comes in handy. Regardless of the scale of the errors, it will be necessary to archive the old content and upload a fresh file. Next, the chip must be soldered into place. Then, the motherboard must be mounted in the case and the signal and component ribbons must be connected. The final step is basic testing and verification of whether the problem has been fixed. If everything works fine, all that remains is to screw the case back together. Why is it worth going to a computer repair shop for repairs? BIOS repair requires appropriate skills and experience, because taking action on your own often results in permanent damage to the equipment. The update itself carries the risk of damaging the computer. An even more complicated process is trying to upload the BIOS. There are many different guides on the Internet regarding self-repair, but in this case it is worth being especially careful and entrusting your equipment to experienced service technicians. Specialists will not only solve the problem, but also perform the necessary actions, e.g. remove any dirt. If necessary, they will replenish and tighten the screws or add missing caps. Going to a proven service will guarantee a reliably performed repair without fear of damaging the computer. A damaged BIOS prevents the computer from being used, and self-repair involves a high risk of damaging it. Therefore, it is not worth taking any action on your own, as this may deepen the problem. The best solution is to entrust the equipment to an experienced specialist. See also: BIOS update – how to do it correctly? How to troubleshoot common BIOS problems? The computer will function properly when all components work together in harmony. One of the key elements is the BIOS. Many people do not use it on a daily basis, but it is through it that you can perform repairs on the computer’s software or check the condition of some of its parts. It is also worth knowing what the most common BIOS problems are and what to do if they occur. What is BIOS? Basic Input/Output System in short BIOS is the basic input and output system. It is a kind of system/set of procedures on the motherboard in FLASH memory chips. It is responsible for basic functions in the computer. It is the first program that is launched immediately after starting. BIOS is equipped with its own memory, supported by a CMOS battery. It mediates communication between the software (system) and individual hardware that is part of the unit. BIOS is responsible for managing and checking the basic elements of the computer. Additionally, it controls input/output devices, as well as the flow of data between components, such as hard drives, processor or RAM. BIOS can also control some voltages or boot options. The system allows you to change the settings of individual devices, which are not possible from the operating system level. What are the most common BIOS problems and how do I diagnose them? The most common BIOS problems include: failure

How to clean your hardware
Hardware Tips

Cleaning, disinfection and maintenance

Cleaning, disinfection and maintenance – how to take care of your computer equipment     In addition to regular hand disinfection and washing, whether you work in an office or at home, it is a good habit to regularly clean and tidy up your workspace. How to do it safely? Daily and periodic cleaning of computer equipment When we think about maintaining computers or laptops, we usually focus on the need to make backups, delete unnecessary files, and “clean up” the computer after months of mess in the downloads folder or trash. Let’s not forget, however, that the external elements of our equipment also deserve a little attention and care – it is worth wiping the keyboard, monitor, or mouse from dust and dirt from time to time, and also blowing compressed air through the computer fans so that they do not become completely clogged with dust and cat fluff over time. How regularly should you do this? Daily care of computer equipment The most frequently cleaned computer equipment should be the keyboard and mouse. During the pandemic, when we are all trying to protect ourselves from bacteria, viruses and all kinds of germs, a quick wipe can be done even every day, preferably after finishing work. Remember that we carry the most germs on our hands, which can then easily be transferred to the keyboard and from there, for example, to the face. To clean the keyboard and mouse, you can use commercially available computer cleaning agents, but also isopropyl alcohol, the high concentration of which means that it evaporates quickly and is safe for electronics, but at the same time effectively removes greasy dirt and germs. Disconnect the keyboard and mouse from the computer, clean the spaces between the keys with compressed air (to blow out crumbs and dust), then use a cloth or cotton swab soaked in a solution of isopropyl alcohol and demineralized water (7:3 ratio) and clean all the keys and spaces between the keys. Clean the mouse and touchpad on the laptop in the same way. Periodical computer maintenance You don’t have to wipe your computer or laptop screen every day, but it’s worth doing so when you notice dust or fingerprints on it. Use a special preparation or damp cloths for this purpose, and always use only soft materials, such as microfiber cloths. It’s also worth dusting your computer periodically – both laptops with small ventilation holes and larger desktop computers absorb a lot of dust during the airing process. This, getting into individual internal components, can disrupt their operation over time, cause the computer to hang up, and in some cases even stop the fans completely. You can clean the inside of your laptop every six months, or once a year if you use your computer relatively infrequently. However, to ensure the process is safe, it is a good idea to do it after opening the device so as not to squeeze dust inside. If you are not sure and do not want to disassemble it yourself, take the device to a service center. You can also ask the service to replace the thermal paste – fresh paste will reduce the risk of overheating and in some models may affect the speed of the device. How to safely clean computer equipment?   How you clean and maintain your computer and its accessories has a huge impact on the safety of your equipment, its durability and service life. Plain water, products not intended for contact with electronics or scratching surfaces will not work well on the screen, touchpad or keys and can cause a lot of damage – from unsightly scratches to internal destruction of electronics, the effects of which may only become visible after some time. What is worth remembering? Never spray products directly onto your equipment, unless it is a special mist (so-called dry mist) or compressed air designed for cleaning and vacuuming equipment. Always sprinkle special foams, sprays or even a solution of isopropanol with demineralized water first onto a soft microfiber cloth or a cotton bud (if you want to reach smaller spaces), and only wipe the equipment when it is switched off and unplugged. If you do not feel confident, do not disassemble the computer yourself, and if you feel it is necessary (to clean the fans and remove dust from the inside of the laptop), take it to a service center to ensure complete safety and to avoid accidentally damaging sensitive components. This information comes from the Nano-Serwis Website, To check it out click on the button below Click here

Windows 11
Windows Tips

How to create a local account when installing Windows 11?

How to create a local account when installing Windows 11? Windows 10 available to consumers did not require you to set up a Microsoft account at the system installation stage. You also did not have to connect to the Internet, although over time users began to be forced to do so (all you had to do was not connect to the network). Windows 11 initially allowed this as well, but quite soon after its premiere it ceased to be possible. Microsoft forces Windows 11 users to take both of the above-mentioned steps. How to skip them? There are trivial ways to do this, although there are some that worked before but no longer work on the latest (or all?) versions of the operating system. However, there is a simple method that will work on any of them and will allow you to set up a local account without connecting to the Internet. After all, we can lose access to the network at the least expected moment (including during system installation). Find out how to bypass the Microsoft blockade and go through the Windows 11 installation wizard quickly and efficiently without the Internet or an online account. Importantly, all the methods described below also work on the system preinstalled on desktops and laptops. Go through the beginning of the Windows 11 installation process until you reach the country selection. Press the Shift + F10 in some laptops Shift  + FN + F10 key combination, which will open the command prompt window. Some laptops such as Lenovo or Asus may be turned off the Shift button, so you may need to use an external keyboard. In the command prompt, type the command: and press Enter. This will block the requirement to connect to the Internet. Wait for the computer to restart and continue in the installation wizard. In the Internet connection window, the option: I am not connected to the Internet will appear next to the Next button. Click it. In the newly displayed window, select Continue with limited configuration. Enter the username of your choice for the local account and continue. Set a password for the local account and continue. Complete the installation process without having to connect to the Internet and log in to your Microsoft account! How to bypass internet connection when installing Windows 11? In older versions of the Windows 11 operating system, there is another way that may work. Follow these steps: Press Shift + F10 in some laptops Shift  + FN + F10 to open the command prompt in the Microsoft account configuration window. Type the ipconfig/release command and confirm it with Enter. Quickly click on the arrow in the upper left corner to return to the previous window of the installation wizard. A window with the option to create a local account will appear. Type the local username and set a password for it. Complete the installation process. However, it is possible that this method does not work on every version of the system (e.g. the latest ones). Know that it is also not necessary to enter the ipconfig/release command after the  command in the first of the methods I provided to turn off the internet, as some guides say. How to create a local account when installing Windows 11? What if the internet is on, but you don’t want to set up a Microsoft account right away when installing the Windows 11 operating system? There is (or rather was) an easy way to do that: In the Microsoft account login window, enter any email address, as long as it’s structured correctly. It can even be and proceed. The wizard will ask you to enter a password. Enter anything, e.g. axyz and press Log in. You will be informed of an error and an incorrect password for the specified account. Undaunted, press the Next button. Voila: a window with the option to set up a local account should appear. Set a username for the local account, enter a password and complete the system installation process. However, as with the second method, the method described may no longer work on all versions of Windows 11. From my personal experience, after the error message, the window with the option to set up a local account in Windows 11 may not appear. In other words, the wizard does not want to proceed without logging in to the online account. However, you can try using it when you install, for example, an older system build. If it doesn’t work, simply return to the first method, which at the time of writing is the easiest and proven way to skip the process of creating a Microsoft account and connecting to the Internet during the installation of the discussed operating system. Bypassing this requirement not only allows you to install Windows 11 without the Internet, but also you decide when you want to log in to your account.

error (0x80070643) Script Solution
Windows Tips

WIndows 10 – error (0x80070643) Script Solution

Summary In the Windows search, Search for Windows Powershell, right-click it and choose run as administrator. Next, execute this command: set-executionpolicy remotesigned Afterwards, select Yes to All when prompted. Keep the Window open. #2 Download this script. sumit_sumitdh_com / EZl7EZYIO7ZIh3sekEg3b7gB png2Rorpmgh8B7EtlV- PZg?e=CU642G Make two folders on your C drive root, with names 1 and 2, so their paths are as follows: C:1 C:2 Paste the script file you downloaded into folder 1. In the Powershell window, navigate to the C drive folder and enter this command: cd C:1 This will ensure the folder which contains the script is selected. Now, we need to run the script, which increases the size of WinRE. For that, run the following command: .1.ps1 After that, press Y to confirm running the script. This information comes from the Microsoft Website, To check it out click on the button below Click here

Windows Tips

Windows 10 – KB5034441 update problem, error (0x80070643)

Summary Microsoft has changed how it updates PCs that run the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE). WinRE will be updated using the monthly cumulative update. This change only applies to PCs that get updates from Windows Update (WU) and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). This change starts on June 27, 2023, for the Windows 11, version 22H2 cumulative update.   Some PCs might not have a recovery partition that is large enough to complete this update. Because of this, the update for WinRE might fail. If you see a system event with an ID of 4502 triggered in C:WindowsSystem32winevtlogssystem.evtx, it is likely an error due to insufficient space on the recovery partition that contains the WinRE. The details of this system event should show, “Windows Recovery Environment servicing failed.” with an ErrorPhase of 2. If that is the case, please follow the steps below to manually resize your recovery partition. This requires your device to have the recovery partition after the OS partition. Use the steps below to verify this.     Manually resize your partition by 250 MB Open a Command Prompt window (cmd) as admin. To check the WinRE status, run reagentc /info. If the WinRE is installed, there should be a “Windows RE location” with a path to the WinRE directory. An example is, “Windows RE location: [file://%3f/GLOBALROOT/device/harddisk0/partition4/Recovery/WindowsRE]\?GLOBALROOTdeviceharddisk0partition4RecoveryWindowsRE.” Here, the number after “harddisk” and “partition” is the index of the disk and partition WinRE is on. To disable the WinRE, run reagentc /disable Shrink the OS partition and prepare the disk for a new recovery partition. To shrink the OS, run diskpart Run list disk To select the OS disk, run sel disk<OS disk index>  This should be the same disk index as WinRE. To check the partition under the OS disk and find the OS partition, run list part To select the OS partition, run sel part<OS partition index> Run shrink desired=250 minimum=250 To select the WinRE partition, run sel part<WinRE partition index> To delete the WinRE partition, run delete partition override Create a new recovery partition. First, check if the disk partition style is a GUID Partition Table (GPT) or a Master Boot Record (MBR).  To do that, run list disk. Check if there is an asterisk character (*) in the “Gpt” column.  If there is an asterisk character (*), then the drive is GPT. Otherwise, the drive is MBR. If your disk is GPT, run create partition primary id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac followed by the command gpt attributes =0x8000000000000001 If your disk is MBR, run create partition primary id=27 To format the partition, run format quick fs=ntfs label=”Windows RE tools” If your disk is MBR, run set id=27 To confirm that the WinRE partition is created, run list vol To exit from diskpart, run exit To re-enable WinRE, run reagentc /enable To confirm where WinRE is installed, run reagentc /info Note If creation failed or you do not want to extend the WinRE partition, run reagentc /enable to re-enable WinRE. Summary Microsoft has changed how it updates PCs that run the Windows Recovery Environment (WinRE). WinRE will be updated using the monthly cumulative update. This change only applies to PCs that get updates from Windows Update (WU) and Windows Server Update Services (WSUS). This change starts on June 27, 2023, for the Windows 11, version 22H2 cumulative update.   Some PCs might not have a recovery partition that is large enough to complete this update. Because of this, the update for WinRE might fail. If you see a system event with an ID of 4502 triggered in C:WindowsSystem32 winevtlogssystem.evtx, it is likely an error due to insufficient space on the recovery partition that contains the WinRE. The details of this system event should show, “Windows Recovery Environment servicing failed.” with an ErrorPhase of 2. If that is the case, please follow the steps below to manually resize your recovery partition. This requires your device to have the recovery partition after the OS partition. Use the steps below to verify this.     Manually resize your partition by 250 MB Open a Command Prompt window (cmd) as admin. To check the WinRE status, run reagentc /info. If the WinRE is installed, there should be a “Windows RE location” with a path to the WinRE directory. An example is, “Windows RE location: [file://%3f/GLOBALROOT/device/ harddisk0/partition4/Recovery/ WindowsRE]\?GLOBALROOTdeviceharddisk0 partition4RecoveryWindowsRE.” Here, the number after “harddisk” and “partition” is the index of the disk and partition WinRE is on. To disable the WinRE, run reagentc /disable Shrink the OS partition and prepare the disk for a new recovery partition. To shrink the OS, run diskpart Run list disk To select the OS disk, run sel disk<OS disk index>  This should be the same disk index as WinRE. To check the partition under the OS disk and find the OS partition, run list part To select the OS partition, run sel part<OS partition index> Run shrink desired=250 minimum=250 To select the WinRE partition, run sel part<WinRE partition index> To delete the WinRE partition, run delete partition override Create a new recovery partition. First, check if the disk partition style is a GUID Partition Table (GPT) or a Master Boot Record (MBR).  To do that, run list disk. Check if there is an asterisk character (*) in the “Gpt” column.  If there is an asterisk character (*), then the drive is GPT. Otherwise, the drive is MBR. If your disk is GPT, run create partition primary id=de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac followed by the command gpt attributes =0x8000000000000001 If your disk is MBR, run create partition primary id=27 To format the partition, run format quick fs=ntfs label=”Windows RE tools” If your disk is MBR, run set id=27 To confirm that the WinRE partition is created, run list vol To exit from diskpart, run exit To re-enable WinRE, run reagentc /enable To confirm where WinRE is installed, run reagentc /info Note If creation failed or you do not want to extend the WinRE partition, run reagentc /enable to re-enable WinRE. This information comes from the Microsoft Website, To check it out click on the button below Click here

Other Tips

Smart Home – is it worth investing in such a solution?

Smart Home – is it worth investing in such a solution? Smart homes are a big technological leap that allows you to automate many everyday activities. Importantly, even with a small budget, you can make gradual changes that will allow you to enjoy an intelligent system. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at the specifics of Smart Home. What is a Smart Home? Smart Home is a term derived from English that means an intelligent house. It refers to buildings or apartments equipped with modern technologies and systems that increase comfort and safety and allow you to generate savings for the budget. Smart homes are based on devices that communicate with each other and are connected to one network. Control is carried out using an application installed on a mobile device, and the principle of operation is extremely simple. What is included in a smart home? A smart home is a few or a dozen different products divided into a central unit, control, and functional components. Basic Smart Home devices include: smart sensors; alarm systems; surveillance cameras; lighting control; smart heating; smart sockets; management of RTV and household appliances; control systems, i.e. panels, remote controls, controllers or buttons; a central unit that integrates all the elements. These systems are interconnected, which means that household members can control them using a mobile device. It is thanks to the application that it is possible to change the operating mode of individual components, e.g. to regulate the temperature. What technologies are used? The technology used in smart home systems is the Internet of Things, a digital network that integrates the components used, communicating with each other via an internet connection or another communication standard, such as Z-Wave or ZigBee. This concept assumes that a given device can control another to perform a task that has been assigned by the user. A Smart Home is the connection of individual components with a central unit that is integrated with a mobile application. What are the advantages of a Smart Home? Convenience of use – the implemented solutions allow you to adjust the optimal conditions in the rooms, e.g. by setting the appropriate temperature or closing the blinds; Increased functionality of the rooms – the installed controllers allow you to perform many activities automatically; Mobility – using the application, you can control all devices both when you are present and absent from the house or apartment; Ease of use – a clear and simple interface allows you to quickly learn the Smart Home system; Security – installing monitoring cameras or alarm systems significantly increases the level of building protection and effectively deters potential burglars; Savings – optimal setting of individual parameters translates into reduced bills, e.g. for heating; Full control over the building – the home automation system allows you to control devices online and check exactly what is happening in the house or apartment 24 hours a day. What kind of people is a Smart Home suitable for? A smart home is a great solution for people who value comfort and convenience. The ability to control the temperature or exit while the household is working, which means that they are delivered in a standard lifestyle. This is an ideal concept for those who continue in a constant rush. Many exits, e.g. turning on the washing machine or dishwasher, are possible thanks to the mobile application. Smart Home is also a proven system for forgetful people who like to have control over everything. Smart homes are also an excellent investment in security. The ability to control lighting or heating will translate into real savings. Smart Home is a choice for everyone because it can be created, an original way of configuration. This is important, the use of technology has proven itself in both new and already available functions. Is implementing Smart Home technology profitable? Installing smart systems involves a larger investment than traditional solutions. However, considering the growing interest in modern technology and the implementation of new applications, it allows us to determine that investing in a smart home is profitable. Of great importance here are, above all, the comfort, safety and increased functionality of the building. It is therefore worth considering the implementation of intelligent Smart Home systems. Smart homes are solutions that are becoming increasingly popular. The number of positive changes that modern systems provide allows for increasing the comfort of everyday life.     

Hardware Tips

Motherboard Failure – How to Check if It’s Damaged?

Motherboard Failure – How to Check if It’s Damaged? Computers are devices that accompany us practically at every step. We use them for work, study, and entertainment, and in many industries they are practically indispensable. These devices are designed to provide high efficiency, versatility, and low failure rate. Unfortunately, since computers are also very complex devices, composed of many delicate components, it happens that they are subject to more or less serious failures. One of the most important elements of modern computers is of course the motherboard, the failure of which can effectively prevent the use of the computer. However, what exactly is the motherboard, its purpose, what are the risks of motherboard failure, what are the symptoms, how to check if the source of computer problems is the motherboard, and what to do when this element is damaged?   What is a motherboard? The motherboard is the most important element of any computer because it is a kind of skeleton that connects all the other components into one whole. It takes the form of a large printed circuit board, on which there are paths and various types of elements permanently built into its structure, such as the BIOS chipset, sockets, connectors, etc. The paths are placed on several layers of the printed circuit board, and their role is to provide power and communication with all the components mounted or connected to the motherboard. The role of the motherboard in the smooth operation of the computer The motherboard is an element whose main task is to connect all the other components of the computer into one whole, mediate communication between them, and often also provide them with power. It is therefore the foundation for building a computer, without which its creation would not be possible. In addition, the motherboard also has a BIOS chip, which stores all kinds of procedures, settings, and instructions for loading the basic computer hardware. The BIOS controls the computer’s operation in the first moments after it is turned on and is also responsible for starting the operating system, which then takes over this role. Effects of motherboard failure A motherboard failure is a very serious situation that can often effectively prevent any use of the computer. This is because it is undoubtedly the most important element of the computer, which connects all its other parts and ensures communication between them. For this reason, the result of a motherboard failure can really be a lot of different problems, depending on what part of the motherboard has failed and how it happened. Sometimes it can mean problems with the operation of the system or one specific component, and in another situation it can even result in a complete lack of response from the device. Motherboard Failure Symptoms The symptoms that may indicate a motherboard failure are very diverse and there are really a lot of them. The most common symptoms indicating motherboard problems include: brak reakcji komputera na wciśnięcie przycisku zasilania, komputer się włącza, ale ekran pozostaje czarny, mogą wystąpić charakterystyczne sygnały dźwiękowe, które świadczą o określonym problemie z płytą główną lub podzespołami, BLUE SCREEN, czyli niebieski ekran informujący o poważnych problemach z komputerem, samoistne wyłączanie, zawieszanie lub restartowanie się komputera bez powodu, lub podczas obciążenia, niedziałające porty i złącza na płycie głównej, problemy z dźwiękiem, łącznością WiFi lub przewodową. Of course, these types of symptoms will not clearly indicate a motherboard failure, but it is one of the possible causes. How to check if the motherboard has failed? To check if the motherboard has failed, the best solution is to use the services of a professional computer service, where the device will be subjected to diagnostics in order to detect the source of the problems. This allows not only to accurately indicate the cause of the failure, but also to quickly and effectively remedy it. It is therefore worth deciding to use the help of professionals in such a situation. What to do with a damaged motherboard? What to do with a damaged motherboard depends largely on how badly it was damaged and what area the failure affects. It is usually possible to repair such a motherboard, which is done by professional computer services. However, if the damage is very extensive and affects the most important elements of the motherboard, repair may be unprofitable or even impossible, which will mean that the motherboard must be replaced.    

Windows 11
Windows Tips

How to create a local account when installing Windows 11?

How to create a local account when installing Windows 11? Windows 10 available to consumers did not require you to set up a Microsoft account at the system installation stage. You also did not have to connect to the Internet, although over time users began to be forced to do so (all you had to do was not connect to the network). Windows 11 initially allowed this as well, but quite soon after its premiere it ceased to be possible. Microsoft forces Windows 11 users to take both of the above-mentioned steps. How to skip them? There are trivial ways to do this, although there are some that worked before but no longer work on the latest (or all?) versions of the operating system. However, there is a simple method that will work on any of them and will allow you to set up a local account without connecting to the Internet. After all, we can lose access to the network at the least expected moment (including during system installation). Find out how to bypass the Microsoft blockade and go through the Windows 11 installation wizard quickly and efficiently without the Internet or an online account. Importantly, all the methods described below also work on the system preinstalled on desktops and laptops. Go through the beginning of the Windows 11 installation process until you reach the country selection. Press the Shift + F10 in some laptops Shift  + FN + F10 key combination, which will open the command prompt window. Some laptops such as Lenovo or Asus may be turned off the Shift button, so you may need to use an external keyboard. In the command prompt, type the command: and press Enter. This will block the requirement to connect to the Internet. Wait for the computer to restart and continue in the installation wizard. In the Internet connection window, the option: I am not connected to the Internet will appear next to the Next button. Click it. In the newly displayed window, select Continue with limited configuration. Enter the username of your choice for the local account and continue. Set a password for the local account and continue. Complete the installation process without having to connect to the Internet and log in to your Microsoft account! How to bypass internet connection when installing Windows 11? In older versions of the Windows 11 operating system, there is another way that may work. Follow these steps: Press Shift + F10 in some laptops Shift  + FN + F10 to open the command prompt in the Microsoft account configuration window. Type the ipconfig/release command and confirm it with Enter. Quickly click on the arrow in the upper left corner to return to the previous window of the installation wizard. A window with the option to create a local account will appear. Type the local username and set a password for it. Complete the installation process. However, it is possible that this method does not work on every version of the system (e.g. the latest ones). Know that it is also not necessary to enter the ipconfig/release command after the  command in the first of the methods I provided to turn off the internet, as some guides say. How to create a local account when installing Windows 11? What if the internet is on, but you don’t want to set up a Microsoft account right away when installing the Windows 11 operating system? There is (or rather was) an easy way to do that: In the Microsoft account login window, enter any email address, as long as it’s structured correctly. It can even be and proceed. The wizard will ask you to enter a password. Enter anything, e.g. axyz and press Log in. You will be informed of an error and an incorrect password for the specified account. Undaunted, press the Next button. Voila: a window with the option to set up a local account should appear. Set a username for the local account, enter a password and complete the system installation process. However, as with the second method, the method described may no longer work on all versions of Windows 11. From my personal experience, after the error message, the window with the option to set up a local account in Windows 11 may not appear. In other words, the wizard does not want to proceed without logging in to the online account. However, you can try using it when you install, for example, an older system build. If it doesn’t work, simply return to the first method, which at the time of writing is the easiest and proven way to skip the process of creating a Microsoft account and connecting to the Internet during the installation of the discussed operating system. Bypassing this requirement not only allows you to install Windows 11 without the Internet, but also you decide when you want to log in to your account.

Bios Update
Software Tips

BIOS Update – How to Do It Correctly?

BIOS Update – How to Do It Correctly? There are situations in which it is necessary to update the BIOS. There may be several reasons, such as problems with the correct operation of the computer or the purchase of a new graphics card. The process itself is not complicated, but it requires precision. Importantly, updating the BIOS is not routine, as is the case with updating the Windows system. It is therefore worth knowing how to properly update the BIOS. What is BIOS? BIOS is an abbreviation for Basic Input/Output System, or simply put, it is a basic input/output system. This software is built into the motherboard and is the first to start after pressing the power button on the device. The BIOS is equipped with its own memory, where all information about the hardware is collected. It is also responsible for verifying the device. Before starting the system, the BIOS checks and identifies all hardware elements, such as the processor, graphics card, RAM or hard drive. Check: Motherboard failure – how to check if it is damaged?   Why is it important to update the BIOS? It is worth noting that updating the BIOS is not always necessary, especially when the computer is working properly and none of the components have been replaced. However, there are situations when an update should be performed. This is the case when the manufacturer has released a new version, the purpose of which is to fix errors, improve the performance of the computer, or new functions have been introduced. Another example is when an update is required to run new equipment or other devices. Additionally, a BIOS update is also required for the correct functioning of the operating system, e.g. so-called blue screens appear, which inform about the occurrence of a failure. How does BIOS affect the operation of the entire computer? How does the BIOS affect the operation of the entire computer? Updating the BIOS will increase compatibility and allow you to use new hardware, such as memory or processor. It will also improve stability. This is especially recommended if there are system failures due to the motherboard. Updating the BIOS also provides optional features of new hardware and removes detected security holes. See also: BIOS damage in the computer – what to do?   How to properly perform a BIOS update? Updating the BIOS yourself may seem like a complicated procedure. However, it is a simple task that should be performed in the following order: Step 1 – Download BIOS Update First, check the BIOS version. The easiest way to do this is to run the CPU-Z application and go to the Motherboard tab. Here you can check the motherboard model and the current BIOS version. Then, download the latest updates from the motherboard manufacturer’s website and place it on a portable medium, e.g. a pendrive (it should be previously formatted). Step 2 – Entering BIOS Next, insert the media into the USB port and restart the computer. During the operating system startup, enter the BIOS using the key (usually DEL, F2 or F8). In the menu, find the update options. Importantly, the BIOS is most often available in English, so look for the phrase: BIOS Update. Step 3 – Installation Once you find the update option from the file, you need to confirm it. The update process usually takes a few minutes. Once the installation is complete, you need to turn your computer off and on again and check if the whole process went well. What should you pay special attention to when updating the BIOS? Before updating the BIOS, you should make a backup copy of your files and look for recovery options for your computer and motherboard in the event of a BIOS failure. When updating, pay special attention to the correctness of the downloaded files and the necessary functions in the BIOS. An incorrectly performed installation may result in problems with starting the computer. Additionally, it is worth making sure what the current BIOS version is, as the update may not be necessary. BIOS update methods vary, which is why it is important to strictly follow the motherboard manufacturer’s guidelines. The last important point is that BIOS updates should not be performed if the computer is working efficiently and correctly. The reason for updating is to expand compatibility or fix errors in the device. When deciding to update the BIOS yourself, carefully check the key guidelines and follow the instructions. Each step must be performed correctly for the entire process to be successful.

Hardware Tips

BIOS Damage in Computer – What to Do

BIOS Damage in Computer – What to Do The BIOS, or Basic Input Output System, is one of the first and most important programs used by modern computers and laptops. Its tasks include managing all the basic devices of the computer, including controlling the motherboard before the operating system even starts. BIOS failures and damage can lead to many problems with the device – the system will not be able to start if the BIOS is not working properly. What to do in such a situation? Possible symptoms of BIOS corruption on your computer Regardless of whether you use a laptop or a desktop computer, the BIOS is essential for the device to work properly. Any damage or failures will make it difficult to start the computer, displaying errors before the operating system even starts. BIOS error messages may vary depending on the hardware, but they are most often visible in the form of: no image is displayed (despite the sound of the computer starting up), the equipment not turning on at all, stopping the start-up at the startup credits stage, displaying a black background with a BIOS error, audio and visual signals while the computer is starting up and then the equipment is turning off again. BIOS manages access to computer resources and although it does not play such an important role after the operating system has started, it is crucial at the hardware startup level. Recorded on Flash memory chips, it is read only when its operation is necessary for the computer to work. Some BIOS damage can be reversed and repaired by starting the computer appropriately, but in difficult cases it happens that it is necessary to completely unsolder the memory chip with the BIOS and reprogram it. Repairing the BIOS on a laptop or computer The most common causes of BIOS failure are a failed system update, a self-damage to the system or damage by the user, most often found in devices whose users like to tinker with system and hardware settings on their own. Depending on these causes and the effects of BIOS damage, its repair may require a more or less complicated intervention, which not every user will be able to perform on their own. The easiest ones, requiring only the use of the Crisis Bios Recovery procedure, can most often be performed based on instructions available on the Internet. It is not easy, but if the laptop starts and stops on the BIOS error message or when starting the system, there is a chance to restore the hardware. Otherwise, BIOS programming may be necessary. As part of the BIOS programming service after a failure, the FLASH memory chip with the installed BIOS is removed from the laptop and placed in the programmer in order to install a new, working BIOS appropriate for the given computer or laptop model. After reprogramming the BIOS, it happens that not all computer functions work properly, most often due to the resetting of serial numbers and regional codes saved in the system. In such a case, it is necessary to perform additional installation using the manufacturer’s tools in order to restore the computer to the operation expected by the user. Opcja programowania układów BIOS pozwalająca na przywrócenie sprawności uszkodzonego sprzętu komputerowego wymaga specjalistycznej wiedzy, umiejętności oraz dostępu do pewnych narzędzi. Z tego też względu zawsze warto pozostawić ją w rękach specjalistów. Nasi serwisanci wśród napraw komputerów zajmują się także programowaniem układów BIOS tam, gdzie nie skutkuje przeprowadzenie Crisis Bios Recovery lub gdy komputer nie uruchamia się w ogóle.     BIOS Damage in Computer – What to Do The BIOS, or Basic Input Output System, is one of the first and most important programs used by modern computers and laptops. Its tasks include managing all the basic devices of the computer, including controlling the motherboard before the operating system even starts. BIOS failures and damage can lead to many problems with the device – the system will not be able to start if the BIOS is not working properly. What to do in such a situation? Possible symptoms of BIOS corruption on your computer Regardless of whether you use a laptop or a desktop computer, the BIOS is essential for the device to work properly. Any damage or failures will make it difficult to start the computer, displaying errors before the operating system even starts. BIOS error messages may vary depending on the hardware, but they are most often visible in the form of: no image is displayed (despite the sound of the computer starting up), the equipment not turning on at all, stopping the start-up at the startup credits stage, displaying a black background with a BIOS error, audio and visual signals while the computer is starting up and then the equipment is turning off again. BIOS manages access to computer resources and although it does not play such an important role after the operating system has started, it is crucial at the hardware startup level. Recorded on Flash memory chips, it is read only when its operation is necessary for the computer to work. Some BIOS damage can be reversed and repaired by starting the computer appropriately, but in difficult cases it happens that it is necessary to completely unsolder the memory chip with the BIOS and reprogram it. Repairing the BIOS on a laptop or computer The most common causes of BIOS failure are a failed system update, a self-damage to the system or damage by the user, most often found in devices whose users like to tinker with system and hardware settings on their own. Depending on these causes and the effects of BIOS damage, its repair may require a more or less complicated intervention, which not every user will be able to perform on their own. The easiest ones, requiring only the use of the Crisis Bios Recovery procedure, can most often be performed based on instructions available on the Internet. It is not easy, but if the laptop starts and stops on

Software Tips

Cyber Security – how to use the network safely?

How to use the network safely? Despite the fact that slogans about safe use of the Internet are as worn out as jeans on the knees, it is still worth remembering to use the Internet wisely. Below we remind you of important rules for securing personal data from uncontrolled use, and we also briefly explain what are currently the most popular types of cyberattacks. Don’t be fooled and take care of cybersecurity today!   The most common types of cyberattacks   Phishing This is a method that involves impersonating a well-known and trusted website, sending the victim emails or text messages encouraging them to open links contained within them. After doing so, the link redirects you to a page that requires you to provide data such as a credit card number or online banking login details. To avoid this, pay attention to the URL of the page, and also watch out for any redirects and pop-ups related to logging in. Scam Here, in turn, gaining the victim’s trust is more important than technical solutions. You could say that this is the online version of the “grandchild” theft, except that it takes a bit more time. The cyber fraudster gains trust, is nice, and after a while disappears with the victim’s savings. Similar techniques are used by fraudsters who prepare an announcement about a fundraiser for the needy, and even by some not-so-dishonest influencers. Ransomware This type of attack can be described as a “virtual kidnapping”, which targets valuable files for the user. Access to them is blocked using special encryption techniques, and their unblocking is possible only after paying a ransom. Companies are usually vulnerable to this type of attack, as hackers carefully select their victims, counting on a large and quick profit.   How to navigate the web safely?   Create a good password If you’ve ever been shocked by the sight of configuration passwords consisting of an infinitely long sequence of letters and numbers that are impossible to remember, know that such passwords are a good way to protect yourself. In short, if you create your own password, forget about your name, your loved ones, dates of birth and other too obvious solutions. Try to come up with a password that is long and not associated with you and your preferences. However, try to remember it, because otherwise you will be the one playing the hacker on your own account. Don’t forget about antivirus To be able to say that your system does not need an antivirus to be safe, you must have a certain level of proven knowledge in the field of computer science. Otherwise, you will not be able to defend yourself against all kinds of viruses, worms and other types of “attractions” that the lack of appropriate software can give you. When choosing an antivirus, pay attention to the most important functions, such as protection of sensitive data on the network or the ability to remotely find a lost device. Use the Internet wisely This sentence clearly flies between users’ ears at the speed of light, leaving no echo behind. Why? Because we usually do not wonder what exactly is hidden behind this phrase. We do not read the regulations of online stores and do not wonder whether a new Internet lover is not lying about his unexpected expenses. Another common problem is sharing too much information about oneself on social media, which helps fraudsters to better “fish out” a wealthy victim.   Only use a trusted network It is understandable that you cannot always use the Internet using a secured network in the privacy of your home. However, if you are in a public place, try not to use the Wi-Fi networks generally available at train stations or in hotels, because they are much less protected against potential attacks by cybercriminals. Under no circumstances should you log in to your email, make transfers or perform other activities that expose your data to theft. Otherwise, you may soon find out that you have a loan, your own business and debts for a vacation in the Bahamas. Safe browsing on the Internet is absolutely possible, but it requires some commitment in the form of choosing security software, installing appropriate updates, and carefully selecting websites on which we look for necessary information. Has your data been attacked? Viruses make it difficult for you to use your computer? Visit PRO.COMP Services We will help you secure and remove all viruses from your computer!

Other Tips

Smart Home – is it worth investing in such a solution?

Smart Home – is it worth investing in such a solution? Smart homes are a big technological leap that allows you to automate many everyday activities. Importantly, even with a small budget, you can make gradual changes that will allow you to enjoy an intelligent system. It is therefore worth taking a closer look at the specifics of Smart Home. What is a Smart Home? Smart Home is a term derived from English that means an intelligent house. It refers to buildings or apartments equipped with modern technologies and systems that increase comfort and safety and allow you to generate savings for the budget. Smart homes are based on devices that communicate with each other and are connected to one network. Control is carried out using an application installed on a mobile device, and the principle of operation is extremely simple. What is included in a smart home? A smart home is a few or a dozen different products divided into a central unit, control, and functional components. Basic Smart Home devices include: smart sensors; alarm systems; surveillance cameras; lighting control; smart heating; smart sockets; management of RTV and household appliances; control systems, i.e. panels, remote controls, controllers or buttons; a central unit that integrates all the elements. These systems are interconnected, which means that household members can control them using a mobile device. It is thanks to the application that it is possible to change the operating mode of individual components, e.g. to regulate the temperature. What technologies are used? The technology used in smart home systems is the Internet of Things, a digital network that integrates the components used, communicating with each other via an internet connection or another communication standard, such as Z-Wave or ZigBee. This concept assumes that a given device can control another to perform a task that has been assigned by the user. A Smart Home is the connection of individual components with a central unit that is integrated with a mobile application. What are the advantages of a Smart Home? Convenience of use – the implemented solutions allow you to adjust the optimal conditions in the rooms, e.g. by setting the appropriate temperature or closing the blinds; Increased functionality of the rooms – the installed controllers allow you to perform many activities automatically; Mobility – using the application, you can control all devices both when you are present and absent from the house or apartment; Ease of use – a clear and simple interface allows you to quickly learn the Smart Home system; Security – installing monitoring cameras or alarm systems significantly increases the level of building protection and effectively deters potential burglars; Savings – optimal setting of individual parameters translates into reduced bills, e.g. for heating; Full control over the building – the home automation system allows you to control devices online and check exactly what is happening in the house or apartment 24 hours a day. What kind of people is a Smart Home suitable for? A smart home is a great solution for people who value comfort and convenience. The ability to control the temperature or exit while the household is working, which means that they are delivered in a standard lifestyle. This is an ideal concept for those who continue in a constant rush. Many exits, e.g. turning on the washing machine or dishwasher, are possible thanks to the mobile application. Smart Home is also a proven system for forgetful people who like to have control over everything. Smart homes are also an excellent investment in security. The ability to control lighting or heating will translate into real savings. Smart Home is a choice for everyone because it can be created, an original way of configuration. This is important, the use of technology has proven itself in both new and already available functions. Is implementing Smart Home technology profitable? Installing smart systems involves a larger investment than traditional solutions. However, considering the growing interest in modern technology and the implementation of new applications, it allows us to determine that investing in a smart home is profitable. Of great importance here are, above all, the comfort, safety and increased functionality of the building. It is therefore worth considering the implementation of intelligent Smart Home systems. Smart homes are solutions that are becoming increasingly popular. The number of positive changes that modern systems provide allows for increasing the comfort of everyday life.     

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